Every story begins with a single idea. Whether that idea goes anywhere is up to you.
Short Stories and Novellas
Less than 80,000 Words
*The Seventh Son
*Last Tuesday
*The Long Night
*Stone Cold
*Child of Sin
As The World Falls
Not Prey
KIA: Kids In Action
Stand Alone Novels
80,000-200,000 words
Two Full-Length Novels
*Mystic and Shade
*Chaos Wars
Three Full-Length Novels
Four or More full-length novels
*Taylor Park
*Aria Copper
*The Nevarian Chronicles
The Rift Chronicles
Stories of different lengths from
the same universe
The Rift Chronicles encompasses nine different worlds that are explored to varying degrees in most of my writings. While many different stories make up the Rift Universe, they are all leading up to the Techno-Fantasy Climax: Balance. However, the road is a long one spanning forward and backward in time in a way that is rarely ever linear.
Books and stories in the Rift Chronicles Universe can be identified by the asterisk placed in front of them.